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Trying to outflow the era

Never you wondered why is the world is as it is?

Why cities plow under in greyness. Bland, soulless, depressing.

Never you ask yourself where are the colours, the ornaments, the brightness, the souls of a building in construction. Where are the colours, the bold structures, the uniqueness design and identity.

Objects, cars, houses and buildings,…, everything is becoming more and more blandness.

Where are the colourful bold shaped Cadillac? Replaced by bland coloured smooth shape cars all looking alike each other.

Today 60% of all the objects in this world are either black or grey.

Since when the Empire State Building became more attractive than La Sagrada Familia ?

This past decades brought the worst of creativity.

Let’s try to bring back colours to our meaningful live. Revive our communities, nurture our souls. Let’s trying to feel alive.

Painting a vivid picture of a world losing its vibrancy, drowning in a sea of sameness and monotony.

It's as if the essence of life, the spark of creativity and individuality, is slowly being extinguished by the relentless march of uniformity.

The absence of colour and character in our surroundings reflects a deeper malaise, a disconnect from the richness of human experience and expression. Buildings, once towering monuments to ingenuity and artistry, now stand as lifeless monoliths, devoid of soul. Where once there were vibrant neighborhoods bustling with life and culture, now there are sterile streetscapes devoid of personality.

Yet, amidst this bleak landscape, there remains hope. Your call to action is a rallying cry for change, a plea to rediscover the beauty and diversity that make life worth living. It's a reminder that we are not bound by the constraints of conformity, but rather empowered by our ability to create, to innovate, to reimagine the world around us.

Reviving our communities means more than just adding a splash of colour to our surroundings; it means fostering connections, celebrating diversity, and embracing the unique identities that make each of us who we are. It means reclaiming our humanity in a world increasingly defined by homogeneity.

So let us take up the challenge, to breathe new life into our cities and our souls. Let us embrace the kaleidoscope of colours, shapes, and textures that make life a wondrous tapestry of experiences. Let us dare to dream in technicolor and paint the world with the vibrant hues of our imagination. For in the end, it is not the blandness of conformity that defines us, but the richness of our individuality and the depth of our shared humanity.


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